The "Emeryville" Rotten City Cultural District is an innovative community and cultural destination in the midst of a renaissance. Devoted to art and creative production.
District Elements
Establishing The R.C.C.D.
The California Cultural District program was developed by the California Arts Council in partnership with Visit California and Caltrans. The mission of the California Arts Council, a state agency, is to advance California through the arts and creativity.
The City of Emeryville, California, in partnership with arts and creative placemaking organizations ABG Art Group and District Works, announces the launch of the Rotten City Cultural District (RCCD) Program, a two year initiative set to run from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025.
Community Partners
Pixar Animation Studios
Wareham Development
Gallery 4509
Emeryville Celebration For The Arts
Bay Street